The Mind


  • Find Your Best Self
  • Maggie Edwards

Becoming Determined  Stay alert of your Negative, Non- Supportive mental activity. It’s part of self study. Once you take full responsibility for the fact that it’s your job to make the most of your life, you realise that everything is up to you! You manage your thoughts( if you notice that...

Becoming Determined 

Stay alert of your Negative, Non- Supportive mental activity. It’s part of self study.
Once you take full responsibility for the fact that it’s your job to make the most of your life, you realise that everything is up to you! You manage your thoughts( if you notice that or not that it’s a completely different conversation). Once you take control of your mindset, you win your life.

Becoming determined is a crucial part in this process and one trait which you can learn, practice and master. It is not the government, your parents, mean siblings, friends at school, the bad boss who shaped you, it’s YOU who took these negative experiences and attached “meaning” to those experiences, which were so defining, real, dramatic and exact, even though long time gone and in the past, that you think it’s now who you are. It is the representation you have built within your mind about that event that has a power to rule your life. It is never what happened to you in the past, it’s the meaning you have attached to that event or experience which matters the most. Good news is that you can change all that. You can change your representation in your mind, because you own your mind and it’s up to you what you believe in and how you see the world and yourself within it. I teach people how to turn around negative experiences into a positive ones.

Becoming determined is what you need. Steps to achieve your brilliance: 
1. You need to know what you want.
2. Build resilience, determination during the process of pursuing your goal.
3. Be open minded all the time. Expect defeat from time to time.
4. Learn from each mistake you make along the way.
5. Revisit any of those points if needed and master your determination.

3 Questions for You
1. Do you know what to do to become more determined?
2. Where is your first step, second and third?
3. Do you learn on your mistakes? If not, what is stopping you?